Wroclaw University of Economics and Business in numbers:
- more than 11 000 (Bachelor/Master/PhD) students
- more than 550 academic teachers
- more than 73 000 graduates
- more than 300 foreign students each academic year
The University possesses 31 premises for teaching, research, administration, and social purposes. Classes are performed in lecture rooms and exercise rooms, and in computer, chemical and technological laboratories. Rooms are equipped with modern audio-visual aides. Some rooms possess facilities enabling direct tele-transmissions and tele-conferencing activities.
Wrocław University of Economics and Business in national and international rankings
The Wrocław University of Economics and Business is ranked among the top economic schools of higher education in Poland, an important center of education, science, and research. Its activities are aimed at maintaining and strengthening the position of the University on regional, national, European, and international levels, improving competitive advantage and shaping its image of a modern institution, open and friendly to its employees, students, and the environment. Our University is fully authorized to provide academic training in the area of economic and management sciences.
Wrocław University of Economics and Business is a public higher education institution top ranked in national surveys
In the most popular ranking of higher education schools in Poland in 2015 prepared by Educational Foundation „Perspektywy” („Perspectives”), our University was placed on 4th place among economic universities and on 33rd place among Polish universities with various educational profiles, both public and private (the ranking included 187 Polish higher education schools). Our educational potential, scientific efficiency as well as teaching conditions were especially highly ranked.
According to the ranking prepared by the opinion-forming weekly “Wprost” magazine, our University was placed on 12th place in 2015 among all of the higher education institutions in Poland.
According to another weekly, “Polityka” magazine, in 2015 the Wrocław University of Economics and Business was classified 2nd among economic universities, and 54th among assessed Polish higher education universities. Within a year our H-index increased from 24 to 28.
According to Ranking Web of Business Schools, our University was placed on 19th place among economic schools in the world and on the 10th place among European schools.
According to the Ministry of Science and Higher Education report of the year 2015/2016, our University was placed first among the most frequently chosen economic universities in Poland (maintaining the leading position since 2009).
Each year, upwards of 8000 candidates seek admittance with our University, a number clearly beyond our present capacity. It may also be worth noting that 43% of our candidates come from outside the Lower Silesia region, clearly in favor of the view that our University is a nationally recognized brand of quality in education.
In the 2016 edition of a ranking of best schools of general higher education in Poland (published by „Wiadomości Turystyczne” magazine), the faculty of Economics, Management and Tourism was ranked first in the Tourism section.
Other rankings also confirm the well-established position of our University. In 2016, the „Home&Market” business and management magazine ranked the Wrocław University of Economics as 7th on the list of ‘The Most Effective Universities in Poland’, with a score of 94/100 points, ahead of all the institutions of higher education in Wrocław. The above ranking is based on the analyses of formal education of board members of 1000 largest Polish companies. The results clearly suggest that our graduates are well-prepared to face the challenges of the modern labor market („Home&Market” No. 7/8 2016 p. 70).
The Wrocław University of Economics and Business was ranked 5th in 2015 in a national GMC competition. The Global Management Challenge is the largest global test of strategic management capabilities, based on advanced numerical simulations of business environment. The Polish edition of the GMC competition is attended annually by hundreds of management teams (both business practitioners and students), competing against one another in the task of managing a virtual company in a test environment. Of the total 270 teams to qualify for the 15th edition of GMC Poland, 15 were representatives of the WUE student community.
The University, through the strategy of internationalization as well as promotional activities and improvement of quality of education, is constantly present and visible in international environment. We are a partnering university to many European and global universities (including those from the USA, Russia, China, or Malaysia). We are a party to many strategic partnerships dependent upon the international cooperation of educational entities (i.e. Germany, France, Slovakia, Czech Republic, or Finland).
Our University is also a school of choice for many foreign students visiting our country within the framework of the Erasmus+ program. In 2015, our University admitted a total of 294 visiting students, to partake in a selection of more than 120 study courses provided in foreign languages. We also hosted 19 academic tutors – representatives of partnering universities – providing our students with ca. 60 hours of academic training. Foreign students are also more and more inclined to partake in our offer of three Summer Schools, as the projects give them a chance to combine the study of economics and IT with practical knowledge of our city and our country.
Graduates of the Wroclaw University of Economics and Business are our best mark of achievement. The community is also active in providing feedback on market requirements and expectations.
Our dedicated organizational units keep track of the professional development of our graduates, and present regular reports of their findings. The reports suggest that our graduates are well-prepared to meet the challenges of the modern labor market:
- 76% have found employment within 3 months following their graduation
- 75% are employed in their field of expertise
- 84% report being satisfied with their professional assignments
- 85% are employed in companies
- 7% run their own businesses
The Wrocław University of Economics and Business leads a number of activities and initiatives as part of cooperation with the alumni which are a great asset to the University. To this end, the Wrocław University of Economics and Business Alumni Office has been created. The Office’s aim is to develop and tighten relations with graduates and contribute to their integration within the community, which vividly gives proof that the members of the community significantly contribute to the development of the city, the region, and the country.
National and international accreditations obtained by WUEB
All faculties of the Wroclaw University of Economics and Business have been evaluated and obtained positive accreditation of Polish Accreditation Committee in the following years (Polish Accreditation Committee is an expert body evaluating the quality of education in Polish universities):
2010 – program accreditation for the Faculty of Engineering and Economics;
2010 – program accreditation for the Faculty of Economy, Management and Tourism in Jelenia Gora;
2013 – institutional accreditation for the Faculty of Management, Information Systems and Finance;
2014 – institutional accreditation for the Faculty of Economic Sciences.
Currently we are in the process of obtaining accreditation for the Faculty of Engineering and Economics.
One of the elements of the internationalization strategy is obtaining international accreditations covering the whole institution. Until now the international accreditations have been obtained for specific teaching programs. The University has obtained an ACCA (The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants) accreditation for Finance and Accounting bachelor program with the specialization of Accounting and Auditing, as well as for master studies in Finance and Accounting with the specialization of International Accounting. The ACCA accreditation has also been granted to the postgraduate studies in Finance and Accounting. Students of the accredited ACCA program, within the framework of standard course of studies, pass the accredited courses and exams in the ACCA standard, which entitles them to be exempt from a part of ACCA exams (Fundamentals level). Those students who finish the accredited ACCA program at the Faculty of Management, Information Systems and Finance within the scope of Bachelor Studies in Finance will be entitled to 6 exemptions from ACCA exams (F1-F3, F5, F7, F9), while the students of Master Studies in Finance will be entitled to 4 exemptions from the ACCA exams (F1-F3, F6). Those students who graduate with the specialization of Accounting and Auditing as part of first cycle studies on the Faculty of Management, Information Systems and Finance with the accredited subject Taxes in Accounting will be entitled to 5 exemptions from the ACCA exams (F1-F4, F6). Those who graduate with the specialization of International Management as part of second cycle studies will be entitled to 7 exemptions from the ACCA exams (F1-F5, F7-F8).
In 2015 the programs Bachelor Studies in Finance and Master Studies in Finance obtained an EPAS accreditation, which makes us the only university in Poland that offers two programs with this prestigious accreditation. EPAS is an international accreditation system granted by EFMD European Foundation for Management Development. It confirms the high quality of our programs, guaranteeing all of our students an international recognition of their diplomas. The EPAS standards and criteria apply to all of the aspects of studies and guarantee the highest international curriculum models and teaching methods as well as the provision and control of its quality. The accreditation emphasizes our uniqueness, effectiveness off the practical preparation for practicing one’s profession as well as high level of cooperation with business and internationalization. Currently, only 97 the best programs out of thousands in the whole world has this sign of the highest quality.
Our programs of Bachelor Studies in Finance and Master Studies in Finance are the only ones in Poland and one of the few programs in Europe in the English language based on cooperation with the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA). The Program gives our students a unique opportunity to obtain a CIMA certificate or diploma (Certificate in Business Accounting on bachelor level and Diploma in Management Accounting on master level) as part of their regular course of studies.
In addition, the University offers our students a chance to qualify for the prestigious and advanced professional certificate of Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA), a recognized international standard of quality for financial analysts and investment portfolio management specialists. In December 2009, the University signed a partnership agreement with the CFA Institute and became the first and only high school in Central Europe to offer participation in two CFA-related programs at the Faculty of Management, Information Technology and Finance: Bachelor Studies in Finance and Master Studies in Finance – as preparation for the formal certification exams. We also offer solutions for partial coverage of the CFA examination fees for our students.